Helping you
and your smile
stay healthy
Every day, millions of people around the world trust Colgate to help them start the day right. Because when you take care of your mouth, you can take on anything.
Earning this trust starts with the ingredients we choose.
First things first. Every single ingredient we use is completely safe for you, your family and the environment. We know this because we test each one carefully, at every stage of the product lifecycle – from the development lab, to the store shelf, and even to your bathroom at home.
As technology changes, our team of scientists are passionately seeking out, and fighting for, the highest quality ingredients.
Better ingredients for you and the planet

The majority of our products are vegan, and don’t contain any animal-derived ingredients, animal by products or processing aids.

We don’t add sugar to our products.
We use sugar substitutes or artificial & natural sweeteners to improve flavor.

Our products are free from gluten that can be found in wheat, rye and barley.

We protect our people and the planet too. Our manufacturing sites are safe workspaces for our teams around the world. And we’re making great progress with energy and water effciency on our path towards becoming a zero waste company.
Learn more about what’s in our products
Yes, some of our ingredients are tricky to pronounce, but they’re all there for a good reason: to keep you and your smile bright and healthy.

We are constantly seeking opportunities to improve the Colgate experience. This means always look for new ingredients and formulations that provide the same or better benefits without ever sacrificing on quality.